A community of self-funded entrepreneurs

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founder of Zoho, Sridhar Vembu

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About Us

Bootstrapped unicorns are real!

Letsbootstrap organizes community events that help brave founders who decide to take the risk themselves and fund their own startup, instead of taking the well-known path of raising a round of financing. We organize fireside chats with successful bootstrappers who share their knowledge and experience as well as connect with attendees before and after the interview. We don’t do networking. We establish meaningful relationships and help each other out. As bootstrappers, it’s even more important to be a part of a community where like-minded entrepreneurs can seek each other’s help and advice. We restrict service providers from attending to keep conversations clear and to the point. Pitching is also discouraged. We are here to ask the other question – “How can I help?” – first and foremost.

Brought to you by Oleg Lights.

Oleg Lights

Brought to you by Oleg Lights

Lights has over a decade of experience in setting up and managing businesses, as well as social and non-profit initiatives. A former Director of Startup Grind, a global community of over 1M entrepreneurs, and an ex-CEO and founder of RTL Studios, an award winning digital agency with Fortune 500, Municipal and Federal clients. Currently a chair of a communication committee and a board member of Halifax Immigration Partnership, a municipal arm responsible for supporting immigration to the city. A founder and CEO of Yomes, a social enterprise that improves urban living by partnering with the government, non-profits, and academia.

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